And right underneath this photo, there's a comment that explains it all to us:
"This photo came from a collection of over 400 Polaroid photos of strippers trying out for dancing jobs at a So. Cal club. They were taken from the late 1960's thru the early 1970's. I bought the entire collection for $10."
Everything was stylish back then, even the strippers. Of course, there are some pictures that I wouldn't have included in the collection, but then it'd be too perfect and thus - no fun. So, come forth, the Stripper Polaroids @ Flickr.
pirmadienis, birželio 25, 2007
penktadienis, birželio 01, 2007
Supernatural Lifeforms
It's Summer! Just look how good today's date looks in This Day in Type. It's a neat site, they've got a different looking type for every day. You can also submit something of your own.
Also, if you're nosy and like to read other people's confessions, you should got to where people write their sins (in 7 main categories). You can add your own too.
Today's entry's got a little something to do with the outter planets as well. See Planet Detrus. I'm not a fan of flash sites, but this one I couldn't imagine done in HTML.
Finally, the last link leads to Felix Heinen's posters. I would really like to see them in full size.
7 sins,
felix heinen,
planet detrus,
this day in type,
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